There are many people who believe in the existence of God. They believe with conviction that there is a Creator God who created the whole universe and man is the masterpiece of His creation.

At the same time there are millions of people who deny the existence of God. They believe that man is the result of an evolutionary process that lasted a long time. Some of them like very much to mock Christians asking them if they believe in the existence of God.

One day, an atheist met with an American farmer who was a servant of God. The atheist asked him:
-Do you think God exists?
-Yes, of course. I think God exists, the farmer replied.
-But why do you believe in Him? Have you ever seen Him?
-No, I haven’t,the farmer answered again. But I haven’t seen a Japanese in my life, and I think there are Japanese people because our army fought against the Japanese army and this is a strong proof for me. If there were no God, why would you fight against Him?

Atheists are people who fight against God. It is nonsense to fight against something that does not exist. In fact, this fight against God is a strong argument for the existence of God.

Dear reader, what do you think: Does God exist or does not exist He?

Sunt foarte multi oameni care cred in existenta lui Dumnezeu.Ei cred cu toata convingerea ca exista un Dumnezeu Creator care a creat intregul Univers iar omul este capodopera creatiei Sale.

In acelasi timp exista milioane de oameni care neaga existenta lui Dumnezeu . Ei cred ca omul este rezultatul unui proces evolutiv care a durat o perioada lunga de timp.Unora dintre acestia le face o deosebita placere sa isi bata joc de crestini intrebandu-i daca cred in existenta lui Dumnezeu.

.care era un slujitor al lui Dumnezeu. Ateul l-a intrebat:
-Crezi ca exista Dumnezeu?
-Sigur ca da, cred, a raspuns fermierul.
-Dar de ce crezi in El? L-ai vazut vreodata?
-Nu, a raspuns fermierul.Dar tot asa nu am vazut nici un japonez in viata mea, si cred ca exista japonezi pentru ca armata noastra a luptat contra japonezilor si aceasta este o dovada suficienta pentru mine. Daca nu ar exista Dumnezeu , ce rost ar avea sa lupti impotriva Lui?

Ateii sunt oameni care lupta impotriva lui Dumnezeu. Este un non-sens sa lupti impotriva a ceva ce nu exista. De fapt , aceasta lupta este un argument puternic in favoarea existentei lui Dumnezeu.

Iubite cititor, tu ce crezi: exista sau nu exista Dumnezeu?


  1. Ateii nu sunt oameni care luptă împotriva lui Dumnezeu, ci doar nu recunosc existența lui sau a altei divinități. Este o mare diferență între a lupta și a nu recunoaște. Asta dacă vrem să pricepem bine semantica termenilor. Oricum fermierul acela n-a fost atât de înțelept pe cât ar dori unii, ci mai degrabă ar fi avut nevoie să citească ceva mai mult.


    1. Problema este ca ateii nu se limiteaza doar in a nega existnta unei divinitati ci de multe ori doresc sa-si arate superioritatea punand intrebari „incuietoare” crestinilor.Ca si in cazul din postarea publicata.Pe de alta parte, raspunsul fermierului este unul foarte chibzuit.Si de unde concluzia ca „ar fi avut nevoie sa citesca ceva mai mult?”


      1. 1. Eu nu am spus nicidecum că sunt ateu ori credincios.
        2. Nu văd să fi pus vreo întrebare și nici să încerc să arăt cine este superior sau inferior.
        3. Fermierul nu a făcut exact despre scriam; diferența între a lupta împotriva cuiva ori ceva (inclusiv palierul ideatic sau al credinței) și a nu recunoaște – un lucru greu de acceptat de către credincioși, mai cu seamă când doresc să-și arate superioritatea punând întrebări „încuietoare” ateilor.
        4 Cu sau fără credință oamenii trebuie să aibă loc toți pe acest Pământ și să fie toleranți unii cu alții. În rest totul e simplu, doar semantica trebuie studiată serios.


      2. 1. 2.Nu am acuzat pe nimeni de nimic. Si nu am de gand sa acuz pe cineva.
        3. Credinciosii trebuie sa ofere raspunsuri la intrebarile ce li se pun.
        4..Total de acord.
        O zi buna.


  2. Yes, I believe God exists. And I believe God „knows our name before we are born”.I also believe he puts us on this earth with a purpose or many purposes, if we listen. So, if a person does not believe in God, what do you suppose he/she thinks his purpose it? Why was he/she even born? What is his/her destiny? Those of us who believe are working toward going to heaven, and are trying to be the person God wants us to be. What does a person who does not believe in God have to look forward to once all the trials and tribulations of this life is over. What is the point? Our sufferings can be offered up to God as prayers for ourselves and others. What is the point of their sufferings? it sounds very sad to me.

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  3. I would suggest to any atheist to keep an open mind and to sincerely ask that if there is a God, that God will make Him/Herself known to the atheist in some way. They must sincerely want to know the truth, not just cynically dismiss any possibility that their request will be answered. An open mind and heart is essential. I am sure that at some point, they will feel the presence of something greater than themselves in their lives. This will not work if someone is so filled with bitterness and arrogance that they will be totally closed, because God will not break down the door, He only will knock, and you must let Him in.

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    1. 13 Then Moses said to God, „If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, „I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, „Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” 15 God also said to Moses, „Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.


      1. Being remembered throughout generations, but how come that so many Christians claim an other name for their God?

        There are Christians who say Jesus is god, whilst others say the Creator His name is „I Am” and not as is written in the text you give „I Am Who I Am” whilst others call him God, Gott, Dieu, Allah, and others call Him Yahweh, Jahweh, Jehovah, Yehowah, Yahuwah, whilst others also claim Yashua, Jeshua, Jesu, Chesu is that God. A name is a set thing is it not and should not be translated. And when translated there still should be a recollection, which is not in this instance.


      2. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew language. So, in this language for God’s name is used the Tetragrammaton YHWH. But, since ancient Hebrew did not use vowels in its written form it is not clear how God’s name should be pronounced:maybe Jehovah, Yehovah, Yahweh or other combinations.
        English translations of The Old Testament use „Lord” for God’s Hebrew name „YHWH”.


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