Although the Bible is a book whose Author is God, there are millions of people in this world who have never read this wonderful book. Many of them say that the Bible is an uninteresting and boring book. To all these people I reply: the only reason that you find the Bible  uninteresting and boring is that you do not know its Author.

Once, a young girl tried to read a book of poems. But after a few moments she put it aside because she found it dry and uninteresting. For a long time the book remained on the bookcase.The girl didn’t want to read it. Later, however, this girl met the young man who wrote the book of poems, she got acquainted with him and soon became friends. Soon, she took the book from the bookcase and began to read it,but this time she found that these were the most beautiful poems she ever read. She reads that book of poems every day. Moreover, she began to memorize many poems and recite them often to her friends.

Dear reader, are you in a similar situation? Do you say that the Bible is an uninteresting book? Try to know its Author and I know that the things will change in your life! Success!

By the way:1.What is your opinion about the Bible?
                       2.Do you know who is its Author?

Desi Biblia este o carte al carui autor este Dumnezeu, sunt milioane de oameni in lumea aceasta care nu au citit niciodata aceasta minunata Carte.Multi dintre acestia spun ca Biblia este o Carte neinteresanta si plicticoasa.

Pentru toti acesti oameni am urmatorul raspuns :singurul motiv pentru care voi gasiti Biblia ca fiind neinteresanta si necaptivanta este ca nu-I cunoasteti Autorul.

Odata, o tanara a incercat sa citeasca a carte de poezii. Dar dupa doar cateva momente a dat-o la o parte pentru ca a gasit-o seaca si neinteresanta.Mult timp cartea a ramas pe raftul bibliotecii fara ca fata sa o mai deschida pentru a o citi. Mai tarziu, insa, fata aceasta s-a intalnit cu tanarul care scrisese cartea de poezii, a facut cunostinta cu el si in scurt timp au devenit prieteni. Curand , a luat cartea din biblioteca si a inceput sa citeasca, dar de data aceasta a gasit ca erau cele mai frumoase poezii pe care le citise vreodata.Nu era absolut nici o zi  in care sa nu citeasca macar cateva poezii.Mai mult , a inceput sa invete pe de rost multe poezii si chiar le recitea adesea prietenelor sale.

Te afli  intr-o situatie similara?
Zici ca Biblia este o carte neinteresanta?
Incearca sa-I cunosti Autorul si lucrurile se vor schimba!


  1. I was raised on the Bible. I took it literally. There were parts that were difficult for me to understand as a child. Yes, I know who the author is but some of the books are written by apostles.
    I don’t read it anymore.


      1. I got tired of being a decent human being and praying all the time and always getting no for an answer. I’m pissed off at him. I no longer pray. I wouldn’t go to church if you begged me and I no longer read the Bible.
        Don’t get me wrong. I believe with every fiber of my being that there is a God and I am still a God-fearing person who tries to do the right thing but He deserted me when I needed Him the most. I’m not trying anymore.


      2. But being a Christian does not mean we are exempt from trouble and pain. Remember Job and his sufferings. Job suffered because the fact that he was a faithful man. But God gives us strength to bear these troubles.

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      3. I remember the story of Job well and I do know that „Christians” tend to suffer more than others but I have suffered enough. Trusting that God would protect me and take care of me got me nothing. The people who have damaged me to the point of absolutely no recovery are living shiny, happy lives.
        And, saying that „they will answer for it in the afterlife” means nothing to me. All they have to do is turn the right phrase and all will be forgiven….after all…God is forgiving, isn’t He?

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      4. I’ve never forgotten Jesus. The difference is that He knew He was going to live forever in His Father’s kingdom.
        I’ll never make it there. But I will never forgive and I will never stop hating. All those drunken abusers, who remember nothing, will go to Heaven. They go to church on Sunday and pray and act like fine „Christians” and then they go home and get drunk and start abusing people.
        I’ll stay sober and own my hatred.

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      5. These people who go to church on Sunday then they go home and get drunk and start abusing people aren’t Christians,they are hypocrites.
        Moreover the Bible says:
        Ephesians 5:18
        And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,

        The true Christian must not drink wine..Never.


      6. I know but if you drink and then forget what you did and said and say „praise the Lord” before every meal, you’re good to go. If by any chance these people „ask for forgiveness” it is granted. Think about Barabbas.


      7. The Bible says:
        Proverbs 20:1
        Chapter 20
        20​ Wine is a mocker,
        Strong drink is a brawler,
        And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
        Gal 5:19 — Gal 5:21

        The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.


      8. What about adultery? Especially when the adulterer nor the adulteress don’t think they are doing anything wrong…because the wife „gave her permission because she knew how lonely he was.” They think they are forgiven…because they asked for it…and I’m sure they were.

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      9. Every sin is forgiven with one condition: it must be abandoned.
        But if the sin is not abandoned there is no forgiveness for it.
        And there is no room for the sinners in the kingdom of God.


  2. Fanny Crosby wrote and it says it just right for me…
    Lamp of faith, my feet to lead,
    Bread of Heav’n, my soul to feed;
    Living waters pure and free,
    Book of books thou art to me.

    Word of God, thy love impart,
    Fire my zeal, and cleanse my heart;
    Keep me earnest, keep me true,
    Ev’ry day my strength renew.

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    1. Good question.
      Here is the answer of the Bible:
      2Pe 1:20 — 2Pe 1:21
      Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

      The Author of the Bible is God.
      And God revealed His will to His servants: the prophets and the apostoles.These men guided by Holy Spirit wrote God’s message in their own words.So, they used their creative intelligence to write the revealed will of God.

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    1. God revealed His way in different ways:-face to face

      Num 12:6 — Num 12:8
      he said, “Listen to my words:

      “When there is a prophet among you,
      I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions,
      I speak to them in dreams.
      But this is not true of my servant Moses;
      he is faithful in all my house.
      With him I speak face to face,
      clearly and not in riddles;
      he sees the form of the Lord.
      Why then were you not afraid
      to speak against my servant Moses?”

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      1. Interesting, thanks. I suppose it comes down to whether we believe people whose power over others comes from their own claims that a higher power has contacted them. Perhaps I’m naturally suspicious but knowing how people like power over others my response would be, ‘Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you?

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  3. To laurelwolfelives: All of us feel at times that God is not listening to or answering our prayers, or that He has „abandoned” us. But, like the poem „Footprints,” He is always with us; He NEVER abandons us. What we fail to realize is that just because our prayers weren’t answered in the way WE think they should be, doesn’t mean they aren’t answered. God lives outside space and time, and He has a plan for everything. He brings good out of every situation. But it happens in His good time, and in His own way. I can vouch for this, as it has happened many times in my own life, even though at the time I couldn’t see it. It took months, even years, to see the way God answered my prayers.

    All I can say is, hang in there. Don’t give up on God. Ask Him to reveal His will to you, and He will do it, but you have to keep your mind open to the form His answer will take. Don’t get stuck on your own agenda. It’s like a little child wanting to play with a knife, and thinking you’re mean to take it away from her. Only years later will that child realize how you were protecting her, and what a good parent you were to deny her what she wanted, which you knew would hurt her.

    I have some articles on my blog that you might find helpful. I deal with topics like adversity, patience, perseverance, hope, etc. – things that all of us encounter in our daily lives. The site is . I would be honored if you’d pay it a visit.

    God bless you. Always remember God is always right with you. If He seems far away from us, it isn’t He who moved! 🙂

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